This function returns the COMID associated with a specific USGS gage. It can be used to associate gage data with flow metric predictions a stream segment identified with the comid input variable.

get_comid_for_lon_lat(longitude, latitude, online = TRUE)



numeric. Longitude or X.


numeric. Longitude or Y.


boolean. Default TRUE. When TRUE, looks up the COMID using the nhdplustools package and USGS web services. Sometimes these are spotty though, so you can set offline to FALSE and this function will perform the lookup locally with spatial data. It will still download a large amount of spatial data for NHD segments the first time it runs with the flag set to FALSE, but then future lookups will be much faster. It uses the nhdR package, which is not included as a package requirement, and instead is installed only if you set ffc$get_comid_online = FALSE.